Part of my series of reviews of the Heisei era Godzilla movies. Spoilers within, but we’re talking 90’s Godzilla movies here.

Spoiler alert: Godzilla fights an evil monster from space. Again.

Okay, so this one is clearly filler, and okay, it doesn’t hold up as well, coming after vs Mechagodzilla - but I love this movie, warts and all. And it has warts. Godzilla cells getting sucked through a black hole and undergoing “rapid evolution”? The random, utterly pointless Yakuza side plot? Chibi Baby Godzilla? I don’t care, I love it all even when it doesn’t work. And SpaceGodzilla himself, while nonsensical even for a kaiju, still looks rad as hell and the crystal motif is interesting and unique. I particularly like the way it transforms the landscape and creates a larger arena for the final battle.

Another reason I like this one so much are the human characters, particularly Yuki. He’s so strangely captivating with his droopy-eyed, apathetic badassery. “I love you, Yuki.” “Fill my lighter for me.” Ugh, it’s trash and I love it. Also Miki continues to evolve and have a role in the plot, and seems to have changed as a person since the events of the last movie…and then: ROMANCE??

This movie doesn’t need to be anything more than giant monster fun and a little human drama and it delivers on both, but doesn’t really do anything that is new or better than previous entries. That’s okay. I have an unusual fondness for this movie and that’s enough for me.

Rating: 3+/5
Watched: 1 March 2024